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  • JH Baits Banana Scopex Shelf Life Boilies

Banana Scopex Shelf Life Boilies

Article number: JH036
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In stock (Delivery timeframe:2-5 workdays)


Sweet and creamy Classis flavour combination of  Banana-Scopex Built on a high quality Bird seed mix.

CLO, crushed Hemp and Maize, Niger seed, Vegetable Proteins, Whey Protein Concentrate, Wheat Germ, Oyster shell, FFHT Soya & Wheat along with a natural sweetener giving the bait a very coarse consistency and openness to help quickly breakdown and release a nice balance of Nutritional and attraction.

A coarse bait containing lots of roughage and digestive aid ingredients such as wheat germ means the bait is not heavy on the digestion and is passed through the fish quickly and with ease as well as providing a good nutritional meal that the fish continue to feed on. 

The liquid pack combines liver liquids/ beta-stim and Scopex/Banana Flavour to create a beautiful creamy Banana flavour and aroma rich in Amino Acids.

Al ons aas is oplosbaar, wat betekent dat ze langzaam afbreken, waardoor voedselsignalen en aantrekking in het water continu vrijkomen, na verloop van tijd zullen ze zacht worden en uiteindelijk afbreken.
We leveren ook een reeks gehard haakaas voor vissers die daar geruststelling in willen. Zie ook onze pop-ups en hookbait sectie.

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